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Tuesday, June 17, 2008 ♥

Zheng He

My Voyages - Regions along the way

1st Voyage: 1405-1407 - Champa, Java, Palembang, Malacca, Aru, Sumatra, Lambri, Ceylon, Kollam, Cochin, Calicut

2nd Voyage: 1407-1409 - Champa, Java, Siam, Cochin, Ceylon

3rd Voyage: 1409-1411 - Champa, Java, Malacca, Sumatra, Ceylon, Quilon, Cochin, Calicut, Siam, Lambri, Kaya, Coimbatore, Puttanpur

4th Voyage: 1413-1415 - Champa, Java, Palembang, Malacca, Sumatra, Ceylon, Cochin, Calicut, Kayal, Pahang, Kelantan, Aru, Lambri, Hormuz, Maldives, Mogadishu, Brawa, Malindi, Aden, Muscat, Dhufar

5th Voyage: 1416-1419 - Champa, Pahang, Java, Malacca, Sumatra, Lambri, Ceylon, Sharwayn, Cochin, Calicut, Hormuz, Maldives, Mogadishu, Brawa, Malindi, Aden

6th Voyage: 1421-1422 - Hormuz, East Africa, countries of the Arabian Peninsula

7th Voyage: 1430-1433 - Champa, Java, Palembang, Malacca, Sumatra, Ceylon, Calicut, Hormuz... (17 politics in total)

the great travellers blogged @ 1:06 AM

The Diary of Zheng He and his Expeditions
( 'I' refers to Zheng He himself )

Between 1405 and 1433, the Ming government sponsored a series of seven naval expeditions. Emperor Yongle designed them to establish a Chinese presence, impose imperial control over trade, and impress foreign peoples in the Indian Ocean basin. He also might have wanted to extend the tributary system, by which Chinese dynasties traditionally recognized foreign peoples.

I was placed as the admiral in control of the huge fleet and armed forces that undertook these expeditions. My first voyage consisted of a fleet of perhaps 300 ships holding almost 28,000 crewmen. These were probably mainly large six-masted ships - it is now thought that the large and flat nine-masted "treasure ships" were probably river ships used by the Emperor.
On the first three voyages, I visited southeast Asia, India, and Ceylon (Sri Lanka). The fourth expedition went to the Persian Gulf and Arabia, and later expeditions ventured down the east African coast, as far as Malindi (Kenya). Throughout his travels, I liberally dispensed Chinese gifts of silk, porcelain, and other goods. In return, I received rich and unusual presents from his hosts, including African zebras and giraffes that ended their days in the Ming imperial zoo. My company and I paid respects to local deities and customs, and in Ceylon they erected a monument honouring Buddha, Allah, and Vishnu.

I generally sought to attain my goals through diplomacy, and my large army awed most would-be enemies into submission. I ruthlessly suppressed pirates who had long plagued Chinese and southeast Asian waters. He also intervened in a civil disturbance in order to establish my authority in Ceylon, and I made displays of military force when local officials threatened my fleet in Arabia and East Africa. From my fourth voyage, I brought envoys from thirty states who traveled to China and paid their respects at the Ming court.

In 1424, the Yongle Emperor died. His successor, the Hongxi Emperor (reigned 1424–1425), decided to curb the influence at court. I made one more voyage under the Xuande Emperor (reigned 1426–1435), but after that Chinese treasure ship fleets ended. I died during the treasure fleet's last voyage.

On my seven voyages, I successfully relocated large numbers of Chinese Muslims to Malacca, Palembang, Surabaya and other places and Malacca became the center of Islamic learning and also a large international Islamic trade center of the southern seas.
My missions showed impressive demonstrations of organizational capability and technological might, but did not lead to significant trade, since I was an admiral and an official, not a merchant. Chinese merchants continued to trade in Japan and southeast Asia, but Imperial officials gave up any plans to maintain a Chinese presence in the Indian Ocean and even destroyed most of the nautical charts that I had carefully prepared. The decommissioned treasure ships sat in harbors until they rotted away, and Chinese craftsmen forgot the technology of building such large vessels.

the great travellers blogged @ 12:47 AM

Friday, June 13, 2008 ♥

The Journey

In 1271, Marco Polo began a journey that would last 24 years and take him more than 24,000 miles, through the bleak deserts and rugged mountains of the Middle East and Central Asia, to China and the court of Khubilai Khan.

His Accomplishments
Marco Polo travelled to China with his father and uncle over the Silk Road which was an overland route to China. He worked for Kublai Khan, the Mongol Emperor, for seventeen years. He sailed home instead of going overland. He brought back ivory, jade, jewels, porcelain and silk. He told about the Chinese use of coal, money and compasses. He met Rustichello, a famous writer, who wrote about Marco Polo's travels in a book called THE BOOK OF TRAVELS. Marco Polo became famous for his travels through Central Asia and China. His book gave Europeans some of their earliest information about China.

the great travellers blogged @ 6:56 PM

Thursday, June 12, 2008 ♥

The Diary of Macro Polo and the Mongol Empire

("I" refers to Marco Polo himself)

I was not the only only medieval European to travel the Silk Road , but probably I am the most famous. I lived in Venice, an important center for commerce with the East, by which my father and uncle prospered.In 1271, when I was 17 years old, I joined them on a journey that would last twenty-four years and take me more than 24,000 miles, through the bleak deserts and rugged mountains of the Middle East and Central Asia, and further than any of his European predecessors—to China and the court of Khubilai Khan (1214–1294), the ruler of the Mongols (called "Tartars" by Marco) who controlled the largest empire in the world. I had mastered several languages, and became the trusted agent of Khubilai Khan and stayed at his court for seventeen years. To allow me to travel freely through the vast Mongol territories, Khubilai gave me a passport, similar to one now in the Metropolitan Museum. But instead of being made of iron and silver, my passport was made of gold.

Khubilai Khan
During our stay in the East, my father, uncle and I acquired great wealth in jewels and gold. Khubilai Khan was reluctant to let his visitors return to Venice. However, we finally commenced our arduous journey home when Khubilai, in 1292, allowed us to escort a Mongol princess to Iran where she was to be wed. We endured great hardship on the return journey, including the deaths of many of their companions. As soon as we left Mongol jurisdiction, in Trebizond,we were robbed of much of their wealth. We finally arrived in Venice in 1295, to the surprise of relatives and friends who had thought we long dead. Some time after 1298, I was captured and imprisoned during a regional war between Venice
and its chief trade rival, Genoa. By a fortunate coincidence, my cellmate was one Rustichello of Pisa, a writer of romances and chivalric lore. The story of exotic places and customs that I dictated to his fellow prisoner, which he titled A Description of the World, became one of the most popular books in medieval Europe. Many did not believe the stories, but others were inspired, including Christopher Columbus, who owned a copy of my book.

My extraordinary journey to the East could not have happened had not the diverse, nomadic Mongol tribes come together in 1206 under one of history's most feared rulers, Temujin, who was enthroned as the Genghis ("universal") Khan ("ruler") of all the Mongols. In the early thirteenth century, the Mongols swept through and conquered lands from China and Korea in the east and through Persia, Iraq, and Turkestan to Bulgaria, Russia, and Poland in the west. The onslaught of the ferocious Mongol horsemen was terrifying. However, in a short period of time, control of most of Asia by the Mongols—the so-called Pax Mongolica ("Mongolian Peace")—created an environment of tremendous cultural exchange. By the time of my travels, under the rule of Genghis Khan's illustrious and enlightened grandson, Khubilai, the Mongol Empire was at its peak. The Mongols traditionally led a nomadic lifestyle, which meant that as the seasons changed, the people moved with their sheep, goats, yaks, and camels in search of food and water. Because they only lived in a place for a short period of time, their homes were portable tents (called ger or yurt) made of wood piles, canvas, and felt. Furthermore, all their possessions had to be small and easy to carry. With few large cities and a mobile lifestyle, Mongol society had few industries and relied on more sedentary neighbors, such as the Chinese, for manufactured products, such as textiles, ceramics, and metalwares, as well as for farm-grown food. In exchange, the Mongols traded horses, animal skins, and meat.

Once he succeeded in unifying the Mongol tribes, Genghis Khan and his tightly disciplined army conquered lands in northern China and Central Asia. Genghis Khan was also a far-sighted leader who developed policies that would aid in governing and in shaping the economies of the growing empire. Under his rule, Uyghur script was adapted for the writing of Mongolian, previously an unwritten language. A policy of religious tolerance was pursued to win over the newly conquered native populations. And foreigners were recruited for skilled administrative positions for which the Mongols lacked experience. The nomadic lifestyle of the Mongols had prevented the development of an artisan class, but Genghis, aware of the need for craftsmen, spared their lives when the Mongols conquered their lands, freed them from manual labor and taxes, and moved them to new areas. When the Mongols established their huge empire, they continued their traditional support of merchants and craftsmen, which resulted in the greatest expansion of trade and tribute in Eurasian history. Traders, as well as diplomats and missionaries, traveled with few hindrances across Mongol domains, resulting in the first direct contacts between Europe and China. European missionaries and merchants, the most famous being who is me, Marco Polo, voyaged all the way to China, and Asian products—silks and spices—reached Europe, leading Europeans to seek a sea route to the East and its treasures.

the great travellers blogged @ 8:30 PM

Friday, June 6, 2008 ♥

Have you heard of my name before? Marco Polo. Sounds familiar? Marco Polo, the great traveller. Haha.

1254: I was born into a wealthy and cosmopolitan Venetian merchant family.

1260: My father and uncle, Niccolò and Maffeo Polo, were jewel merchants. They left Venice to travel to the Black Sea, moving onwards to central Asia and joining a diplomatic mission to the court of Kublai Khan, the Mongol ruler of China. Khan asked them to return to Europe and persuade the Pope to send scholars to explain Christianity to him.

1269: My father and uncle arrived back in Venice .

1271: They set off again, but this time was accompanied by me and two other missionaries.

1275: We reached Khan's summer court.

1276-1291: We lived in the Emperor's lands. Little is known of these years but I was obviously popular with the Mongol ruler and was sent on various diplomatic missions which gave me the opportunity to see many parts of China.

1292-1295: We were offered to accompany a Mongol princess who was to become the consort of Arghun Khan in Persia. The party sailed from a southern Chinese port via Sumatra, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), southern India, and the Persian Gulf. After leaving the princess in Iran, the Polos travelled overland to Constantinople and then to Venice, arriving home.

1298:I became involved in a naval conflict between Venice and Genoa and was captured by the Genoese. In prison, my stories attracted the attention of a writer from Pisa, Rustichello, who began to write them down, frequently embellishing them as he went. The resulting book was extremely popular and was translated into many languages under a number of titles, including 'The Million' and the 'Travels of Marco Polo'.

After Marco Polo was released he returned to Venice, where he remained for the rest of his life. He died on 8 January 1324.

the great travellers blogged @ 8:48 PM

Born into a family named Ma, presumably of Mongol-Arab origin, in central Yünnan Province, I was selected to be castrated by the general in charge of recruiting eunuchs for the court in 1381, when I was about 10. Assigned to the retinue of Chu Ti, who later became emperor, I had accompanied him on military campaigns, culminating in the usurpation of the throne by Chu Ti in 1402.
Because of a report that the former emperor Hui-ti had fled overseas, but probably with other good reasons, such as promoting Chinese influence or trade opportunities, Yunglo sent out expeditions overseas under my command. In a period of 28 years, from 1405 to 1433, I directed seven expeditions and visited no fewer than 37 countries, stretching from Champa in the east to the African coast in the west.

the great travellers blogged @ 7:58 PM


  • June 2008


    Wei Qing